
Tuesday's morning page.

 - アラン・ウェバー

日記は順調ですか? 毎日、紙に向かって考える時間を少し割いていますか?








You don’t know what you think until you write it down.
– Alan Webber

How’s your journal coming along? Are you carving out a few minutes each day to think on paper?

Taking the time to “write it down” is a small investment with a big payoff. When you take the time to capture an experience on paper, you can not only express your feelings, but you can think. You can consider your possibilities in a more coherent frame of mind.

For example: Let’s say that you have a seemingly negative experience, such as getting a bad grade, or not getting the job you wanted, or experiencing a failed relationship. Your gut reaction might be to deny, or blame, or mislabel the situation. But when you put pen to paper, you allow yourself to think; to explore your feelings, consider what really happened, think of ways to do things differently – better - next time, and identify how to move on with your life.

“Writing it down” gives you the opportunity to think, and rethink, logically. It can transform your primal reactions, and enable you to design a better way, to design a better life.

If you haven’t already, today’s a great day to go buy that tablet, or spiral notebook, or elegant journal – whatever you prefer – and engage your brain, and life, at a higher level.

Make this a great Tuesday


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