
Thursday's morning page.

文化を破壊するのに、書物を焼かなくたっていい。人々に書物を読ませなくさせるだけでいいんだ」 - レイ・ブラッドバリー

私の今年の目標は、平均にして週1冊の本を読むこと。それには、教材や仕事に関するものなど、要求されている読書は含ませていない。あくまで私個人の楽しみや成長のために読む本だ。あなたはどうだろう? 読書に関する目標はありますか?






You don’t have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading them.” – Ray Bradbury

My goal this year is to read, on average, a book a week. This doesn’t include books for class, or work, or any other required reading – just books for my personal pleasure and growth. How about you? Do you have a reading goal?

The number of books you read is not as important as what you select, and how you read. Choose a diverse selection that will broaden your vistas – quality fiction, memoirs, classics, how-to, contemporary thought; the list goes on. And study rather than merely skim, perhaps highlighting key passages or jotting notes as you read; looking for lessons to apply to your life.

A common characteristic of people who achieve singular excellence in their work and personal lives is their desire, and discipline, to read. Sharpen your mind, improve your knowledge and skills, become more valuable – read.

And make this a great Thursday!


この記事が参考になっていたら、人気ブログランキングへ人気ブログランキング 応援をいただけると嬉しいです^^このブログを始めたきっかけは...↓「Come on by! 英語ガレージ!」ブログページ

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