
Monday's morning page.

辞めるのは簡単だ。私もこれまでに100回やっている」 - 不詳








"Quitting is easy; I've done it a hundred times." - Unknown

Yes, quitting is easy, and it's habit forming. For some, it's an addiction; leaving a trail of good intentions, broken commitments, and unfulfilled dreams.

The fixed mindset feeds the habit of quitting. It can lead you to conclude that you're incapable of changing - that you can't improve your self control, expand your knowledge and capabilities, and become more. It can lead you to see much of your life as set in stone. And for many, the fixed mindset leads to unfulfilled dreams, and a life haunted by nagging regret.

But when you chose a growth mindset - one that affirms you're capable of growing, and committed to making it happen - good things start to happen. You recognize that while you may not have reached your intended destination, you're capable of making the changes, and taking the actions, to get there. The growth mindset feeds possibility and forward movement.

The wonderful news is that you can discard the fixed mindset, leave your negative beliefs behind, and move to the realm of possibility and achievement.

We'll talk more about this later this week. In the meantime, I'm sending you best wishes for a week of exciting opportunities!


この記事が参考になっていたら、人気ブログランキングへ人気ブログランキング 応援をいただけると嬉しいです^^このブログを始めたきっかけは...↓「Come on by! 英語ガレージ!」ブログページ

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