
Wednesday's morning pge.

覚えていよう。経済的な発展への道は、個人としての発展という舗装でできている」 - ブレア・シンガー

あなたは、自分自身になにを投資しているだろう? お金、努力、時間、を成長のためにどれだけ使っているだろう? 市場での自分の価値はより高まっているだろうか? お金に関するよりよい習慣を取り入れているだろうか?

それとも、否定しているだろうか? 銀行口座の中身が小さいこと、その原因を環境だとか他の人たちのせいにしているとか?





"Remember that the road to financial development is paved through personal development." - Blair Singer

What's your investment in you? How much do you spend - in time, effort and money - on becoming more? Are you making yourself more valuable to the marketplace? Are you acquiring, and adopting, positive money habits?

Or, are you in denial, perhaps laying blame on others and circumstances for the size, or lack of size, of your bank account?

If you're not sure where you stand financially, or you're not happy with your current situation, maybe it's time to be proactive; maybe it's time to step up and make some changes.

I'm sending you best wishes for a great Wednesday!


この記事が参考になっていたら、人気ブログランキングへ人気ブログランキング 応援をいただけると嬉しいです^^このブログを始めたきっかけは...↓「Come on by! 英語ガレージ!」ブログページ


Friday's morning page.

ほとんどの人々が、人生計画より夏の旅行を計画するのに時間を使っている」 - 不詳






"Most people spend more time planning their summer vacation than they do planning their lives." - Unknown

Amateurs wing it, professionals prepare.

Don't wake up on New Year's Day with nothing on your agenda for the new year. This weekend, take the time to think, plan and prepare for what you want to experience in 2011. Good things happen when you prepare and take action.

I'm sending you all green lights for a great weekend!


この記事が参考になっていたら、人気ブログランキングへ人気ブログランキング 応援をいただけると嬉しいです^^このブログを始めたきっかけは...↓「Come on by! 英語ガレージ!」ブログページ


Thursday's morning page.

人々は『ロン、君は本当に運がいいね』という。そうさ、一生懸命やればやるほど運がよくなっていくんだ」 - ロン・ポピール、ロンコ社製品を多数開発およびテレビショッピングで宣伝



情熱が加わった熱心さは、障害を乗り越える。機会の扉を開く。そして、自分の期待をも上回る。でも最初は、あなた自身が、大事な問いに答えなくちゃいけない。1)あなたの情熱はどこにある?(もしくは、どうそれを知る?) 2)その情熱を満たして夢を実現するために、どれだけ努力をする意思がある?




"People say, ‘Ron, you’re so lucky.’ Yeah, the harder I work, the luckier I am." - Ron Popeil, creator of, and pitchman for, the Showtime Rotisserie, Veg-o-Matic, Pocket Fisherman, and many other products from Ronco.

"Just set it and forget it." - that phrase, part of the pitch for the Showtime Rotisserie, has earned Ron Popeil millions. Ron's the silver-tongued inventor of many kitchen appliances and convenience products you've probably seen on late night or early morning infomercials.

Ron came from a broken home and a difficult childhood, and began working at an early age. Now in his 70s, and having amassed many millions, he still works; works at what he loves - creating new products and pitching them on television. He's singularly passionate about his mastery of inventing and selling kitchen and convenience products.

Hard work, combined with passion for what you do, will enable you to surmount obstacles, unlock opportunities, and exceed your expectations. But first, you must answer - for yourself - a few key questions: 1) What's your passion? (or, perhaps, how can you find your passion?) and 2) How hard are you willing to work to fulfill that passion and realize your dreams?

I'm sending you best wishes for a great Thursday. Get lucky!


この記事が参考になっていたら、人気ブログランキングへ人気ブログランキング 応援をいただけると嬉しいです^^このブログを始めたきっかけは...↓「Come on by! 英語ガレージ!」ブログページ


Tuesday's morning page.

豊かさを一心に目指すことは、私たちが自分自身に与えられる一番の贈り物だ」 - スーザン・ジェファーズ








"Focusing on abundance is the greatest gift we can give ourselves." - Susan Jeffers

The financial crisis continues, unemployment is high, and timing for an economic recovery is uncertain. What can you do to make a difference?

First and foremost, remember: "You become what you think about." You decide whether you focus on lack, or focus on abundance. What do you want?

Decide to focus on all the abundance that's out there waiting for you - relationships, quality of life, even wealth. The financial crisis didn't destroy all the wealth in the world - money didn't disappear, it's been redistributed. Your share is waiting, but you have to go after it.

Leverage your singular focus on abundance to make plans and take the next steps, even a small steps, toward your dreams. You can do it!

I'm sending you best wishes for a great Tuesday!


この記事が参考になっていたら、人気ブログランキングへ人気ブログランキング 応援をいただけると嬉しいです^^このブログを始めたきっかけは...↓「Come on by! 英語ガレージ!」ブログページ


Tuesday's morning page.




今週はこの、負け犬のレッテルという束縛を破ることについてもっと語ろう。その間、このことについて考えていてほしい。あなたは自分に、どのようなレッテルをつくっただろうか? どんなレッテルが、あなたの成長を妨げているんだろう?




"Incapacitate the loser inside you."

Somewhere within, you have declared yourself a loser. It could be related to just one facet of your life - relationships, managing money, math skills, athletic abilities, are examples - but it could be in more.

Self-imposed labels - or adoption of those imposed by others - keep you from moving beyond your old limitations, prevent you from breaking the chain of past failures, and blind you to new solutions and possibilities. And they're contagious.

We'll talk more this week about breaking the bonds of the loser label. Meanwhile, consider: What labels have you assigned to yourself? What labels are holding you back from becoming more?

Make this a great Tuesday!


この記事が参考になっていたら、人気ブログランキングへ人気ブログランキング 応援をいただけると嬉しいです^^このブログを始めたきっかけは...↓「Come on by! 英語ガレージ!」ブログページ