
Tuesday's morning page.

熟達は、漸近線だ」 - ダニエル・ピンク







"Mastery is an asymptote." - Daniel Pink

Flash back to your days in algebra or calculus, and perhaps you'll remember that an asymptote is a straight line that a curve approaches but doesn't intersect. The curve goes on into infinity, getting closer and closer to the line, but never quite reaches it.

In living your life of excellence, you're on the curve, getting closer and closer to your ideal - the straight line. You maintain your daily disciplines and habits - actions that sometimes seem so mundane, but are so critical to your personal development. You know that while you may not reach perfection, you can get better, every day. And you know that if you're not getting better, you're falling behind.

Stay the course. Your consistent, superior performance is an accumulation, or confluence, of the many small skills, knowledge and capabilities that you pick up every day, and drill into your daily habits and disciplines. Habits and disciplines that you do every day - even on the days you don't feel like it.

Make this a great Tuesday!


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