
Tuesday's morning page.

 - ジェフリー・ギトマー



スティーブ・ジョブズはリード大学時代、カリグラフィー(装飾書体づくり)に注目した。彼はめくるめく書体の視覚的影響力と一貫性をもった書体の集合たちを観察して、魅了された。 後年、彼と彼のチームがマックを開発したとき、彼はそのコンピューターで書体とその視覚的効果をつないで活用した。私たちのコンピューター概念を変えてしまう実に独特で新しい製品を創りだしたんだ。そしてその後の話はご存知のとおり。

忘れないで。「人生はけっこう早く進んでいく。たまには停まって周りを見ないと見逃しちゃうよ」 - フェリス・ビューラー(映画「フェリスはある朝突然に」より)




"You don't have to be a genius, you just have to be observant." - Jeffrey Gitomer

Most people are oblivious to what's going on around them. They miss out on the power of observation, and as a result, reduce the quality of their life experiences.

Paying attention to what's going on helps you generate ideas, helps you get inspired, helps you take action. When you take the time to practice the self discipline of observation, you start making important connections between what you see and the possibilities you can realize.

Steve Jobs paid attention in his calligraphy course at Reed College. He observed, and was captivated by, the visual impact of multiple typefaces and proportionally spaced fonts. When he and his team later invented the Mac, he made the connection between the use of typefaces and fonts with the visual presentation on his new computer. He created a singularly unique product that changed the way we think about computers. And we know the rest of the story.

Remember: "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." - Ferris Bueller (from the movie Ferris Bueller's Day Off)

Make this a great Tuesday!


人気ブログランキング 応援をいただけると嬉しいです^^

「Come on by! 英語ガレージ!」ブログページ

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