
Friday's morning page.

僕は決意を宣言した。迷いはなかった。それが僕のしたいことだってことが明らかだったからだ。父さんは、その仕事は金にならないと言ったけど、僕にはやりことだったんだ」 - シーザー・ミラン


シーザーは行動を起こした。リスクも想定しつつ。夢を実現するためだ。彼は10代で故郷のメキシコを離れて国境をわたり、アメリカで不法滞在者として生活した(のちに市民権を獲得)。英語を覚えなければならなかったし、生計をたてるために自動車販売から犬小屋掃除まで、いくつも仕事をした。でも、つねに行動、前進していた。ついには犬の訓練学校を設立。最初の顧客は、偶然にも女優の ジェイダ・ピンケット・スミスだった。ジェイダは彼をほかの顧客に紹介し、彼の英語を磨くための個人講師も用意した。そして、その後は世間に名を馳せるにいたった。





I made that declaration and I didn't question it. It was clear to me what I wanted to be. My dad said there was no money in that, but that's what I wanted to do ... " - Cesar Millan

At the age of 13, Cesar Millan told his mother he would one day be the best dog trainer in the world. Fast forward seventeen years, and voila - Cesar's dream has come true. His television show - The Dog Whisperer - is in its fifth season, he has written a bestselling book, runs his own magazine, and regularly appears in a variety of media outlets, including Oprah.

To reach his dream, Cesar took action, and assumed risks. He left his native Mexico in his late teens, and crossed into the US illegally (later becoming a US citizen). He had to learn to speak English and support himself, taking on a number of jobs, from car detailing to cleaning out kennels; but always moved himself forward. He eventually set up a dog obedience school, where one of his first clients happened to be actress Jada Pinkett Smith. Jada introduced him to other clients, set him up with a tutor to refine his English, and the rest is history.

Cesar's success shows a clear lesson: Follow your passions, take massive action, and stay receptive - opportunities will show up. Jada Pinkett Smith's appearance in Cesar's life was not coincidence.

I'm sending you best wishes for a great weekend and a great new week of opportunity!


人気ブログランキング 応援をいただけると嬉しいです^^

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