
Wednesday's morning page.

人生において、我々が本能的にもっている反応は、止まった状態での惰性を求めることだ」 - マーシャル・ゴールドスミス







"Our default response in life is to experience inertia."
- Marshall Goldsmith

Rockets carrying spacecraft to the heavens use up most of their fuel in the first few seconds of the launch. An incredible amount of energy is needed to free the craft from inertia and escape the bounds of gravity.

And on some days it takes all you've got to get out of bed, and launch yourself into a new day. You have to overcome mental inertia - your default mode.

The mark of maturity is knowing that every day, in some way, you must give yourself a nudge - and on some days a shove - to get going, to go after the opportunities the universe is presenting to you. The mental discipline to overcome your default response - to move ahead when you just want to stay where you are - is a habit you must cultivate. It's a habit that enables you to move beyond the bounds of your current experience, and achieve excellence. Do it!

And keep moving in the passing lane!


この記事が参考になっていたら、人気ブログランキングへ人気ブログランキング 応援をいただけると嬉しいです^^このブログを始めたきっかけは...↓「Come on by! 英語ガレージ!」ブログページ

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