
Friday's morning page.



そして当然、現在の自分がいる。おそらく活動中だし前進中。私たちは、現在の居場所で自分が何者かをきめるんだろうか? それとも、これからの行き先を見て決定するんだろうか? 私たちは心のなかで、自分自身になんと言っているんだろう?


来週は、このことについてもっと話そう。それまで、素晴らしい週末への一番の願いをあなたに贈ります! 充電の時間だ!



Who are you, really?

All too often we define ourselves by our past, and not always the fond memories. We get caught up with the unpleasant stuff - our reflections of past failures, reminders from "friends," who want to take us back to someone we used to be, or memories of difficult struggles - both internal and external - that we never fully resolved.

Then of course, there's our current self, perhaps a work in progress. Do we define ourselves by where we are right now? Or do we create our identity by looking at where we're going? What do we tell ourselves in our inner dialogue?

The good news is that we don't have to be stuck in the past, or frustrated with our present programming; we can create an identity that allows us to become a different person. And, importantly, we can change our identity and still be true to ourselves.

We'll talk more about this next week. In the meantime, I'm sending you all green lights for a great weekend - time to recharge!


この記事が参考になっていたら、人気ブログランキングへ人気ブログランキング 応援をいただけると嬉しいです^^このブログを始めたきっかけは...↓「Come on by! 英語ガレージ!」ブログページ

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